Lena had her autumn break a couple of weeks back and I managed to talk her into getting on a train and come visit me for a few days. After the obligatory travelling incidents (I never travel anywhere without some sort of accident and I like to make sure that people who travel to visit me has to go through something similar) she finally arrived in the middle of the night, effectively stranding both of us in Stirling. Just in case I haven’t mentioned it before, Stirling is the closest large city to Alloa; it’s about fifteen minutes with the bus and sort of big. I don't really know, anything becomes big compared to Alloa. At last we finally did manage to get back and I spent the weekend trying to do some speed sightseeing, with myself as our tour guide despite me not really having seen any monuments myself, by showing her both Edinburgh and Glasgow in two days. My autumn break had already passed of course, which meant I had to go to school once the weekend was over and Lena had to entertain herself for some time. As I had expected, she used a lot of the time to sleep. Or so I’m told.
Anyway, you might wonder what on earth this has to do with my newfound prefect status. Or maybe you’ve all just figured this was some clever way of me to change the subject. But no, you see I got my badge the Monday Lena was here and I told her sheepishly, or not so sheepishly, that I was mainly in it for the badge. Seriously though, how can you blame me? Lena at least thought that was perfectly understandable.
In reality however, being a prefect is a little more than just wearing a cool badge. You have prefect duties which mean you patrol the halls or something, I haven’t really sorted that part out yet, and you’re also obliged to help out on parents’ evenings and such. And of course you have to set a good example for the other students, e.g. not coming in late or forgetting your things ect, ops?
At the moment, there’s not that much going on. I am battling a virus that may or may not be on my computer, and at this point the virus is winning. This week is really short; I don’t exactly know why but we’re free both Thursday and Friday, something I at least have no complaints about, and later this week I’m going to the cinema with some girls from school to see the new Twilight movie. Which is really just an odd thing to call it as it is named, and I should know this very well, New Moon.
Let’s look at that again, shall we?
I feel kind of proud for keeping my post so short for once; normally I just can’t shut up, can I? I have to admit I have had a pretty bad writers block lately and this is the sort of thing that just gets worse the longer you wait. But, here it is. A new post, just for you! And the person you have to thank for that this time around is, wait for it, my mum. (And now you get the explanation for the second part of the title as well.) Because she has been holding my baby photos hostage; blackmailing me into writing this. So a big applause to my mum who has forced me to write and by that has given you all something to read. Ain’t that just wonderful?
Endelig en post! Nå blir Farmor lettet. Siden alt står bra til med bloggen din....
SvarSlettSiden familien nå etter oppfordringer har gått inn for å spamme bloggen din kan jeg legge til at jeg også ble glad for å se et nytt innlegg!
SvarSlett(Selv om jeg hadde foretrukket at det var skrevet på et språk jeg forsto! ;) )
Yay, update! :D hjerte hjerte. LOL at du er prefekt, og jeg håper _Virkelig ikke du blir percy-ish! XD Ikke at jeg ser det for meg. Igjen: du og lena er så heldig som kan besøke hverandre!! O:
SvarSlettDamn at jeg ikke har noe å blackmaile deg med, jeg vil ha ny EBMS-mail (vent, ble det riktig? ) med mer news om neste sommer ~
OMG, prefekt, så kult! 8D
SvarSlettMolde VGS er skikkelig suckish i forhold til skolen din. *deprimerende*
Dere må blogge oftere! >:D